"Vista Tranquila" would be anything but tranquil.
Dream Finders Homes was initially in contract with the Ponte Vedra Corporation who seeks to develop the Outpost property first with 77 home sites - now reduced to 66 homesites - including 27 along the water's edge, with little buffer. This development would cause habitat destruction, contamination of Guana Lake and disruption to the surrounding wildlife habitat, impacting imperiled species well beyond the borders of the property. It would also create an eyesore, viewable from the lake and other points within the preserve. But Vista Tranquila is far from a done deal. We have very good grounds to fight this development.
Adding 66 homes at the end of Neck Rd. would add close to 700 vehicle trips up and down the street every day. There is no outlet at the Outpost; the only way in and out is a single dead-end Rd. This would create traffic back ups, and children would be endangered by more than 50% more traffic on
their street - an avalanche of cars and construction vehicles. The consequences of having just one
way out for 197 total homes during an emergency evacuation could be tragic. The plan is deeply flawed. The significant increase in traffic would spill out onto Mickler Rd. immediately impacting two "failed intersections" according to the county's recent traffic study - Mickler/A1A and the Palm Valley traffic circle.
All application documents for Ponte Vedra Corporation's proposed plan to develop the Outpost can be accessed here: http://webapp.sjcfl.us/applications/sbmtlmgmtweb/ERMSList.aspx?ApplType=COMPAMD&ApplNum=2019000003

Compare the above plan for 66 homes to the previous plan (below) for 77 homes. The footprint of the Planned Unit Development on the property is exactly the same. The habitat destruction is exactly the same. The number of homes on the waterfront is exactly the same: 27. Save Guana Now opposes development of any kind on the Outpost property. The notion that this is a major improvement is completely absurd. As for the "30' natural vegetative buffer," it's only a matter of time before chainsaws remove the buffer to create views for the homes; we've seen Dream Finders Homes remove tree buffers at their other developments; this one would be no different.

The map below shows the area of proposed development (in pink) on the widest part of Guana River.

Save Guana Now

The Times-Union reported that Jacksonville will be "one of four mega-regions" in Florida where growth will be most intense, according to America 2050, a project of the American Planning Association. The others are Dade-Broward-Palm Beach counties, the Orlando area and the Tampa area. The Times-Union editorial board put out a clarion call to readers:
"That’s why it’s so crucial for Floridians to advocate for the preservation and protection of Florida’s natural places. Now!... Join one or several of the many organizations that are fighting for wild Florida. Then gather like-minded people around you and push for preservation. Talk to your local elected representatives. Talk to your state representatives. Now! Tell them that you’ve joined the battle to protect Florida and that you plan on winning. After all, we can’t afford to lose this battle."
Thank you Times-Union for recognizing how critical it is for our natural places to be preserved. Now! Read the full editorial here.