Our Advertising
We dedicate this page to our generous donors
who made this critical communication to the public possible.
Full page ads in the St. Augustine Record:
Seven insertions: Three Fridays, August 2, 9, September 13; Four Sundays, August 4, 11, September 8, 15 Copy varied to reflect upcoming Public Hearing dates and times.
Please click on ad to enlarge.
One insertion, Sunday, September 22, 2019
Please click on ad to enlarge.
Full page ad, back of Ponte Vedra Recorder, Sept. 12:
Our four bumper stickers
(Photography by Craig O'Neal on stickers, yard signs,
and egret photo above.)

Our yard signs:

Our banners:

Photo credit: Graham McGeorge

Our mailers.
We sent thousands of 6" x 9" EDDM mailers throughout St. Johns County prior to the August 15 PZA hearing, and again, prior to the September 17 BOCC hearing. We emphasized different points for different geographical areas. Below are the two sides of our south county mailer.

Our ad that never ran.
Thousands of stickers were printed by the St. Augustine Record, to be placed on the front page of every newspaper on Sept. 16, the day before the scheduled Board of County Commissioners hearing. The Ponte Vedra Corporation withdrew its request for a comprehensive plan change on September 13, and the stickers were never used - and hopefully never will be.

Our sticker that was never worn.
Anticipating a way-over-capacity crowd to attend the September 17 BOCC hearing (as occurred August 15 for the PZA), we printed stickers for people to wear - to ensure their attendance was known and counted, even if they couldn't be seated in the main auditorium.

Our online advertising.

One of our mass mailings.
Sadly, we had to kill a tree
to save a lot of trees.
Hopefully this was all recycled...
Our flyers.
Our flyers were frequently modified and updated.
They have been downloadable here. We are currently not distributing or posting flyers.